6-Lane Dolphin Timing System – 2 watches per lane



SKU 93-651



Product Specs

The Dolphin Timing System is fully integrated with Hy-Tek Meet Manager software. The Dolphin Timing System provides synchronized, stopwatch style timing for swimming competitions and significantly reduces the amount of effort required to run a swim meet and manage data.

    The Dolphin Timing System has three modes of operation:

  1. Electronic start system with connection to any CTS electronics start system.
  2. Synchronized manual start with all watches synchronized from the official starter’s manual start.
  3. Wireless backup timing which is compliant with all the ruling bodies requirements for backup timing.

Dolphin Timing System Includes

– Starter unit.
– Handheld wireless stopwatches for each lane.
– Base unit which connects via USB to interface with your laptop.

All Colorado Time Products are for sale in the United States only.