Competitor 37 inch Battery Pace Clock – white face


Original price was: $677.10.Current price is: $637.95.

SKU 92-532

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Product Specs

Competitor Swim’s 37″ pace clock with white dial face is designed primarily for competitive swim training and feature large, highly visible 3 1/2 ” quarter numbers. It is equipped with a retractable stabilizing plate to protect against wind or accidental contact – so no additional clock stand is necessary! In addition to having wheels that allow for easy movability, the 37″ pace clock has a storage compartment built into the back of the clock. Shipping Weight: 36 lbs. (Motor Freight Only)

Sale - Competitor 37 inch Battery Pace Clock - white face Sale Price: $637.95
Regular Price: $677.10. Special flat rate web shipping is not available on sale items. All prices are F.O.B. Origin (freight is additional).