Vac-Alert Safety Release System – Submersed Suction



SKU 32-682



Product Specs

The Vac-Alert Safety Vacuum Release System for swimming pools is a device that provides vacuum release at a suction outlet caused by a high vacuum occurrence due to suction outlet flow blockage. Spring loaded pistons react quickly to high vacuum conditions and open to atmosphere to release suction. SVRS devices must allow for vacuum release with or without suction outlet covers in place and shall operate is such a way as to not defeat or disengage other layers of protection installed to protect against entrapment.

Vac-Alert Safety Release System – Submersed Suction Specifications

– For swimming pool applications where the circulation pump suction is more than 24″ below the level of the pool water surface.
– Millisecond, automatic response time.
– Non-electric, low maintenance safety system.
– Durable non-corrosive PVC and stainless steel parts.
– Total mechanical operation.
– Easy to install.
– 1 1/2″ socket connection.
– Shipping Weight: 9 lbs.